When RM, Preethi and Aarti asked me to write about my time management I wasn’t sure what to write. But it provided me an opportunity to do a self-analysis. I was analyzing my entire day and figured out I don’t have any set routine. I just take things as it comes. So this post is not going to be like tips for time management or anything related of that sort. I am just going to share what I do and how I tackle my tasks. The two main things that help me to manage all my work are:
- My commute – It takes 25 minutes without traffic and up to 40 minutes with traffic. This commute time makes a huge difference.
- My Work – I chose a position where I don’t have any offshore support or calls. Mostly 90% of the times I don’t need to worry about any office work once I am home. Also I chose to work from 7AM to 3PM and this gives me ample time in the evening.
These two things play a vital role in managing my rest of the time.
[pullquote]Seven years ago to come out of my depression I kept myself busy and as days passed it became my habit.[/pullquote]
There is a famous saying “An Idle mind is devil’s workshop”. That’s very true at least in my case. Seven years ago to come out of my depression I kept myself busy and as days passed it became my habit. Luckily I picked the activities that I am passionate about, so I didn’t feel it like a burden, rather I started to enjoy them and felt so happy about doing the same. I take Vaandu to all my classes (again I choose my classes where kids are allowed – be it exercise/gym or music or swimming or knitting/art) which gave him a chance to see these activities and explore and slowly he started to show interest in them. I am happy too that he stays with me and I don’t need to find someone to take care of him while attending these classes.
When I was analyzing my day I figured out two more things – I multitask a lot and then I am glued to my phone pretty much always. (That’s a sad truth) I have no idea if I am multitasking efficiently or if these multitasking are good for my health or family, But this is what I do,
- Adapting: When I pick up kiddo and come back home I see what classes me and kiddo have and what work needs to done. Depending on that my cooking plan changes. On busy days or if I need to code, all I do for dinner is Idly or Dosa or I outsource or handover the kitchen to my hubby.
- Mostly my blog recipes are the simple day to day recipes. I keep the not-so-regular ones for the weekend. So whatever I cook I try to take pics (of course with the help of kiddo) and post it.
- I try to complete all my kitchen chores before 5:30PM. We usually take what I cook in the night as the lunch for the next day. So in the morning all I do is preparing either roti or rice and prep work for the dinner like cooking the dals or boiling the veggies. During this time my kiddo either watches his cartoon or plays by himself or comes and helps me in kitchen. As I mentioned above, I am glued to my phone and try to answer couple emails or chats during the cooking breaks.
- Then comes the play time either to park or some artwork or game or any classes. Most of the time I stay with the kiddo during his classes and utilize those as “me” time. I read books / surf the net or chat or call someone.
- As kiddo is 6 plus now when I take him to park I don’t need to watch him continuously. So I have started my walk around the park, keeping an eye on him.
- After dinner, when my hubby starts to play with the kiddo, I start my blog work and IMC related work and TV will be on for sure.
- I cannot just sit and watch TV. I will be doing something or the other while watching TV. I do follow cricket, serials and movies and I love to watch them, but I multitask while watching them.
- We all know bedtime stories, but for me and Vaandu it is bedtime songs. We practice our music and listen to new songs and discuss about the day, including my work during our bedtime and these are my precious moments.
- Somedays I don’t feel like doing any work. I end up reading a book or I do something els,e but I know the fact that the next day is going to be hectic. Still I do take that break and do altogether different stuff.
- If I have to code late night, my hubby will be up with me for most of the time and he doesn’t let me feel lone. Glad he is in the same field like me so ,I can chat about my work get his ideas and opinions.
I don’t consider all my days perfect. Some days are really hectic and crazy with unexpected things. I do panic, I do get over stressed especially when I hear complaints from my kiddo that “Amma, you are always working. You are not spending time with me”. I have melt downs but again Time takes care of it and I believe this shall pass too.
I don’t know if I am teaching the right thing to my kiddo by staying glued to my phone and my hubby was complaining the same too. So I tried to stay away from my phone and I did succeed in that mission. But I don’t know if I will be able to watch TV without doing any other work. I can only do that in theatre.
[pullquote]“The bad news is time flies but the good news is you are the pilot”.[/pullquote]
While I was searching for images for this post, I came across this quote written by Michael Altahuler – “The bad news is time flies but the good news is you are the pilot”. Yes we are the pilots and we need to manage the time that works for us and our family. Our office commute, traffic, and work pressure each and every small things plays a major role in this. Schedule and manage your time so that by the end of the day, you feel happy and content.
Lovely write up! I have been planning for a while to finish cooking by 5 in the evening….somehow it gets delayed. Renewed efforts after reading your post. And the plan is also to no pick up the phone first thing in the morning…maybe after an hour or two. That itself should help me a great deal in better time management.
Thanks Sowmya. I try to avoid picking up the phone as the first thing too. It works out some days but not all days.
This was straight out of heart post Sri. You were being honest and shared some great tips :) I am glued to my phone as well these days, esp with twitter. So can understand what you mean.
Thanks a lot GB.. social media is dangerous.. ;-)
Nice to know about your daily routine.. You are an inspiration Vidhya..
Aww thanks ani. :-)
I love all your posts Vidhya although I don’t comment. I have wondered as to how you manage so many activities successfully. This post explains it all :) Kudos to you.
Being glued to the phone, hmm yes, becoming a habit for me too with occasional complaining glances from my family. Need to give that a thought. Thanks for this thought provoking post.
Awwww.. Thanks a lot Anu for those wonderful works. I am trying to reduce my phone time these days. After I reach home I just keep my phone away from my sight and that helps a bit.