One more tag time. My friend BM tagged me for this pregnancy experience post. I have already shared about my labour experience in my postpartum page but still here are more details.
1. Was the pregnancy planned?
2. Was I married at the time?
Yes. :-) :-)
3. Reactions?
Mixed feelings. Happiness/surprise/overwhelmed.
4. Abortion an option?
5. My age then?
Twenty Four
6. How did I find out?
Pregnancy Kit at home
7. Who did I tell first?
Of course my hubby
8. Due dates?
Only one. Feb 5th. But the kiddo was born one week before.
9. Morning sickness?
Tell me about it. I had migraine issues and had worst first trimester. Throw ups, head ache, hormonal imbalance.. sabba
10. What/who irritated me?
Garam Masala
11. And the child is..
A baby boy nick named “Vaandu”
12. Did I wish its a boy?
Nope. But I had intution that it’s going to be a boy. (Don’t ask me why)
13. How many pounds did I gain?
14. Baby shower?
Yes both traditional and non-traditional
15. Complications?
Nothing big. Had preeclampsia symptoms but things went ok.
16. Where did I give birth?
17. How many hours in labour?
My amniotic sac broke. So 18 hrs of labour.
18. Who watched me give birth?
All the duty nurses and my hubby. I was the only patient that day.
19. Natural or c-sec?
20. Pain medication taken?
Yes, took epidural towards the end.
21. Weight of the babies?
3.75 kgs.
22. What did we name him?
In-laws named him after our kuladeivam and thats his jadakam name. We named him after Lord Rama and thats his official name. His jadakam name is more unique than his official name ;-)
23. How old is he?
5.5 yrs
24. What was my reaction after seeing them first time?
Happy and relief after the long labour.
25. Did you cry?
And BM has tagged every one I knew. So I am tagging only two of the blogger now. And as mentioned by BM, accepting this tag is purely optional.
Vasantha ka of my sweet nothings
Tag time over.. getting back to food now :-)
Vidhya, I did it.
Great. . Read yours :-)