I just fell in love with the book reading these lines. “Over time the ache in heart for her parents was filled with the pungency of coriander seeds, the sweetness of cinnamon and the bite of fresh chili peppers.” I love my kitchen and cooking is like a therapy for me. I loved the way the main characters in the book take refuge in their kitchen.
The author brings out the beautiful culture and practices of Kerala with the help of the main characters in the novel – Sudha, Ayah, Devi and Kashi. Her descriptions about VishuKani, Onam, Pongal and Diwali are very fascinating. I really liked the Diwali part where they make clay lamps by themselves every year with the river clay. A perfect eco-friendly diwali.
Her book brings out the navarasas (nine moods) of Meena’s childhood life and along with that the six tastes of food too. I was raised in a small town under the lap of western ghats which is 62 miles from Kodaikanal. The book took me back to my childhood memories. I felt nostalgic when reading about drinking the fresh tender coconut juice, eating raw mangoes, fresh jackfruit smell, drinking water after eating gooseberry and the idli batter making process using the traditional aatukal. (An old stone mortar and with a pestle). This time I took a picture of this aatukal in my native. And here it is. I wish I can go to my native now.
What I liked about the book is
- The beautiful description of typical rural Indian life.
- The Hindu mythological stories retold in a very simple way.
- Each and every chapter has both kitchen and day to day tips like applying oil in your hands before peeling jack fruit to avoid the stickiness or having hot water soak for cramps etc.
- And of course her authentic recipes. They are for sure kids friendly with less spice but with great taste. I tried a couple of her recipes, lemon rice and tea stall style potatoes. And they were yummm and the pictures are here.
A delectable read about beautiful kerala, the culture, the authentic recipes and the stories behind each and every recipe.
Hi Vidhya,
I just saw this lovely review of my book. Thank you! Since then, I’ve written two more books….which will be available on Amazon soon. I’ll send you links as soon as they are available. I’m glad the book brought back some good memories. It certainly did for me when I was writing it. I would love to do a Q&A for your blog on my next book, if you are interested.
Best, Meera
Definely Meera. We can absolutely do a Q n A session either on the blog or on Instagram too. I will send you an email.
Drinking of fresh coconut water, eating raw mangoes, the beautiful sight of looking at the jackfruits growing from small to big in the tree and later on cutting the jack fruit with oil smeared in our hands, the drinking of water after eating the gooseberry (even now i do, just to taste the sweetness)… awww those were the childhood days i spent in Kerala. You made me go nostalgic after reading about this book from your space. Guess what, even my grandma and mum used to gring idli-dosa batter in the Aattukkal. The picture of aattukal takes me back to olden days. I want to go back in time and miss that life!
Me too. I got to know this book via indianmomsconnect.com. I m sure u will like this book.. give it a try
Sure dear :)
I never came across this book, until you bought it up here. T
*sorry book
I never knew about this booingk..until nw..!really gives that nostalgic feeling…I miss my home!
Me too miss my home.
Sounds like an interesting read :)
Yeah GB :-)