Happy Birthday my dear vaandu :-)
It’s a Sixer!!! Our little vaandu turns six today. (To be precise, exactly at 00:03 AM and that’s the reason behind the scheduled time ) He is not a little fella anymore. Should I call him dude? Nahhh, he will be always our little bundle of joy. Our entire life revolves around him. He is growing fast, but I am not growing as a mom as fast as him. I have never let him stay without me for more than 10 hrs. I am very possessive about him. (If I explain the details, this will become a sentimental cum comedy post) I need to let go of these habits and grow up.
So what to say about him? As he is turning six, I am just posting some six random points about him.
- He is still a blanky boy who lives in his imaginary world where Goddess Sita and Mooshaka (Lord Ganesha’s vaahanam (deity’s mount)) are his friends. (Thanks to Karadi Tales and Lord Ganesha cartoon)
- He is our sous chef and our helper (???)
- He is an ardent fan of curious George and Caillou, now trying to become a fan of Sid the Science Kid.
- He is very passionate about cars, loves to learn about the car, their make and other details.(Do I need to say like M?). Sometimes I feel M and Vaandu loves car more than me. Sighhhhh.
- As of today, he wants to become a teacher when he grows up. (Just so you know our plans change every month.)
- He likes to jump a lot and we are going to celebrate his birthday in the same bounce place like last year. The bounce place party is on Saturday.
Friends who follow me in twitter might have seen this.. But wanted to share this again. He is our gift for sure. Love you kanna.
Vaandu: Ma you know what’s your Xmas gift?
Me: What, I don’t know.
V: Me. I am your gift. For parents kids are the gifts. #kids #motherhood
— Srividhya Manikandan (@SrividhyaM) December 22, 2014
I am not baking any cake today, going to outsource from store. I don’t want any sodappal story on his birthday. Will be making his favorite food for dinner. Poori and chole. :-) Thats it. :-) :-)
Late to this post, but hope he had a lovely birthday. Love the write up:) For some reason the imaginary friends bit reminded me of me at that age:)
Thanks. Yeah the birthday was fun. Ahh these imaginary friends… :-) :-)
Sorry Sri totally missed this post.. Belated wishes.. Hope he had a great birthday. Curious George woe that’s vishva’s fav as well. Kids grow so fast na
Hey no probs.. Thanks a lottt.
Happy Happy Birthday to your little one! May he be blessed with the best life has to offer. :-)
Thanks a lot aruna
Happy birthday to dear R :) how sweet of him to say I am your gift :D That melts everything in a second :) Blessings on his way!!!
Thanks a ton Malar.. Totally agree with you :-)
Happy Birthday little Vaandu, have loads and loads of fun :)
Thanks FV :-)
happy happy birthday to Vaandu.. Have he seen Dino Dan or Dinosaur Train?
Thanks Ani.. He saw Dinosaur Train for some time.. Nope we haven’t seen Dino Dan..
Happy Birthday Vaandu. :)
Thanks you Sahasra. And welcome here :-)
Happy birthday to the little one .. excellent and heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are you inviting us over for dinner then .. I promise to sing the birthday song tooo :)
Oh yeah.. come over. We would love hear the song. Thanks for the wishes.
Happy happy birthday to the kutti vandu! :) :)
Thanks a lot Maya
Happy birthday to Vaandu :)
It is so good to hear that he is your sous chef already!! His future-wife is surely lucky :)
Thanks Sia.. Lol about his future wife.. Now he is all enthu but not sure how he will be by then :-)
Wishing him a very happy and healthy life :-)
Thanks a lot BM
He is too cute! Happy birthday to him!
:-) :-) Thanks yaar
Happy Birthday to Vaandu :)
Thanks you GB..
Happy birthday!!! You’re right! The children are our treasure….Have a nice party!
Thanks a lot and welcome here :-)